Sexta-feira, 28 de Junho de 2013

European Television Memories

VIEW-02-option-03-txtEuropean Television Memories, Jun 28, 2013 11:11 am. "Third issue of the peer-reviewed, multi-media and open access VIEW Journal for European Television History & Culture highlights debates on how television fosters the moving borders of national memories. The journal is proud to present its third issue: European Television Memories. It has been guest-edited by Jérôme Bourdon & Berber Hagedoorn and is freely available at:

"In the context of the fast development of memory studies, the third issue of VIEW highlights debates around the moving borders of national memories, fostered by television in the context of European history. The articles in this issue focus on the contribution of European television researchers, covering all three areas of media studies: production, text and reception. They touch upon a broad range of topics, including:
  • the reconstruction of the national past after regime changes in both Southern and Eastern Europe;
  • competing versions of the “same” past;
  • the fragile fostering of a European identity;
  • the regional/would-be national past.

The issue emphasizes the different ethnographic & historical uses of life-stories from television viewers. It hints at the possible changes to memory formation brought about by television in the post-network digital era. Finally, this issue charts the field of European television memories and suggests ways it can be researched further, both nationally and transnationally" (read more at: European Television Memories).
publicado por industrias-culturais às 20:55
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European Television Memories

VIEW-02-option-03-txtEuropean Television Memories, Jun 28, 2013 11:11 am. "Third issue of the peer-reviewed, multi-media and open access VIEW Journal for European Television History & Culture highlights debates on how television fosters the moving borders of national memories. The journal is proud to present its third issue: European Television Memories. It has been guest-edited by Jérôme Bourdon & Berber Hagedoorn and is freely available at:

"In the context of the fast development of memory studies, the third issue of VIEW highlights debates around the moving borders of national memories, fostered by television in the context of European history. The articles in this issue focus on the contribution of European television researchers, covering all three areas of media studies: production, text and reception. They touch upon a broad range of topics, including:
  • the reconstruction of the national past after regime changes in both Southern and Eastern Europe;
  • competing versions of the “same” past;
  • the fragile fostering of a European identity;
  • the regional/would-be national past.

The issue emphasizes the different ethnographic & historical uses of life-stories from television viewers. It hints at the possible changes to memory formation brought about by television in the post-network digital era. Finally, this issue charts the field of European television memories and suggests ways it can be researched further, both nationally and transnationally" (read more at: European Television Memories).
publicado por industrias-culturais às 20:55
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European Television Memories

VIEW-02-option-03-txtEuropean Television Memories, Jun 28, 2013 11:11 am. "Third issue of the peer-reviewed, multi-media and open access VIEW Journal for European Television History & Culture highlights debates on how television fosters the moving borders of national memories. The journal is proud to present its third issue: European Television Memories. It has been guest-edited by Jérôme Bourdon & Berber Hagedoorn and is freely available at:

"In the context of the fast development of memory studies, the third issue of VIEW highlights debates around the moving borders of national memories, fostered by television in the context of European history. The articles in this issue focus on the contribution of European television researchers, covering all three areas of media studies: production, text and reception. They touch upon a broad range of topics, including:
  • the reconstruction of the national past after regime changes in both Southern and Eastern Europe;
  • competing versions of the “same” past;
  • the fragile fostering of a European identity;
  • the regional/would-be national past.

The issue emphasizes the different ethnographic & historical uses of life-stories from television viewers. It hints at the possible changes to memory formation brought about by television in the post-network digital era. Finally, this issue charts the field of European television memories and suggests ways it can be researched further, both nationally and transnationally" (read more at: European Television Memories).
publicado por industrias-culturais às 20:55
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European Television Memories

VIEW-02-option-03-txtEuropean Television Memories, Jun 28, 2013 11:11 am. "Third issue of the peer-reviewed, multi-media and open access VIEW Journal for European Television History & Culture highlights debates on how television fosters the moving borders of national memories. The journal is proud to present its third issue: European Television Memories. It has been guest-edited by Jérôme Bourdon & Berber Hagedoorn and is freely available at:

"In the context of the fast development of memory studies, the third issue of VIEW highlights debates around the moving borders of national memories, fostered by television in the context of European history. The articles in this issue focus on the contribution of European television researchers, covering all three areas of media studies: production, text and reception. They touch upon a broad range of topics, including:
  • the reconstruction of the national past after regime changes in both Southern and Eastern Europe;
  • competing versions of the “same” past;
  • the fragile fostering of a European identity;
  • the regional/would-be national past.

The issue emphasizes the different ethnographic & historical uses of life-stories from television viewers. It hints at the possible changes to memory formation brought about by television in the post-network digital era. Finally, this issue charts the field of European television memories and suggests ways it can be researched further, both nationally and transnationally" (read more at: European Television Memories).
publicado por industrias-culturais às 20:55
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Quinta-feira, 27 de Junho de 2013

Reuters Institute Digital News Report

"News is becoming more mobile, more social, and more real-time. This year’s survey reveals continuing shifts in how, when, and where people access the news, with digital patterns becoming more entrenched – particularly amongst the younger half of the population. Audiences increasingly want news on any device, in any format, and at any time of day. But our survey reveals that the multi-platform and digital revolution is not proceeding at an even pace in all countries. What happens in the US does not necessary follow automatically in Europe or elsewhere. Geography, culture, and government policy also play their part, with Germany and France still showing strong allegiance to traditional forms of media. We also see marked differences in ‘participatory cultures’, with very different rates of take up in social media, commenting, and voting across our surveyed countries" (Executive summary and key findings) Read all Reuters Institute Digital News Report here.
publicado por industrias-culturais às 11:01
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Reuters Institute Digital News Report

"News is becoming more mobile, more social, and more real-time. This year’s survey reveals continuing shifts in how, when, and where people access the news, with digital patterns becoming more entrenched – particularly amongst the younger half of the population. Audiences increasingly want news on any device, in any format, and at any time of day. But our survey reveals that the multi-platform and digital revolution is not proceeding at an even pace in all countries. What happens in the US does not necessary follow automatically in Europe or elsewhere. Geography, culture, and government policy also play their part, with Germany and France still showing strong allegiance to traditional forms of media. We also see marked differences in ‘participatory cultures’, with very different rates of take up in social media, commenting, and voting across our surveyed countries" (Executive summary and key findings) Read all Reuters Institute Digital News Report here.
publicado por industrias-culturais às 11:01
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Reuters Institute Digital News Report

"News is becoming more mobile, more social, and more real-time. This year’s survey reveals continuing shifts in how, when, and where people access the news, with digital patterns becoming more entrenched – particularly amongst the younger half of the population. Audiences increasingly want news on any device, in any format, and at any time of day. But our survey reveals that the multi-platform and digital revolution is not proceeding at an even pace in all countries. What happens in the US does not necessary follow automatically in Europe or elsewhere. Geography, culture, and government policy also play their part, with Germany and France still showing strong allegiance to traditional forms of media. We also see marked differences in ‘participatory cultures’, with very different rates of take up in social media, commenting, and voting across our surveyed countries" (Executive summary and key findings) Read all Reuters Institute Digital News Report here.
publicado por industrias-culturais às 11:01
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Reuters Institute Digital News Report

"News is becoming more mobile, more social, and more real-time. This year’s survey reveals continuing shifts in how, when, and where people access the news, with digital patterns becoming more entrenched – particularly amongst the younger half of the population. Audiences increasingly want news on any device, in any format, and at any time of day. But our survey reveals that the multi-platform and digital revolution is not proceeding at an even pace in all countries. What happens in the US does not necessary follow automatically in Europe or elsewhere. Geography, culture, and government policy also play their part, with Germany and France still showing strong allegiance to traditional forms of media. We also see marked differences in ‘participatory cultures’, with very different rates of take up in social media, commenting, and voting across our surveyed countries" (Executive summary and key findings) Read all Reuters Institute Digital News Report here.
publicado por industrias-culturais às 11:01
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Quarta-feira, 26 de Junho de 2013

História da rádio no Brasil

Nos anos mais recentes, tem havido uma forte investigação no Brasil sobre a sua história da rádio. Pela montra que aqui coloco, há quatro áreas essenciais: estações de rádio e serviço público, jornalismo, desporto e cantores da rádio (no caso, as rainhas).

O repórter Esso marca a história da rádio brasileira. Marca de combustíveis, a Esso patrocinou no Brasil e noutros países da América Latina a produção dos noticiários curtos de três a cinco minutos e esteve no ar naquele país da nossa língua entre 28 de Agosto de 1941 e 31 de Dezembro de 1968. Assim, formou gerações no conhecimento do mundo através dos media. O trabalho de Luciano Klöckner, docente da Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul, revela essa tessitura de informações de síntese e de locução vibrante conhecida pelo nome da Esso com as notícias da United Press Association. Já o estudo de Luiz Carlos Saroldi e Sonia Virgínia Moreira sobre a Rádio Nacional, cuja primeira edição remonta a 1984, transporta-nos para o Rio de Janeiro e para a liderança nacional dessa estação nascida em 1936, um lar de grandes nomes da época de ouro da rádio, como Emilinha e Marlene, as eternas rainhas da rádio, como outro livro aqui analisa. A cultura brasileira foi moldada, de certo modo, pela Rádio Nacional, instalada na Praça Mauá, 7, no centro histórico do Rio de Janeiro.

rádio 1rádio 4rádio 2rádio 3                  
Os dois livros de Vauci Zucoloto tem virtudes especiais. Se em No Ar, a autora descreve e analisa a história da construção da notícia da rádio brasileira, recuperando o repórter Esso, ela também releva os textos, os formatos, as linguagens e as técnicas empregadas, no livro sobre a programação das rádios públicas no Brasil identifica as influências, as directrizes e as concepções das programações e alerta para a urgência de novas políticas para a radiodifusão.

Quanto aos livros de Maria Luisa Rinaldi Huper (rainhas da rádio) e o organizado por Patrícia Rangel e Márcio Guerra (a rádio e os campeonatos do mundo) são os mais gostosos de ler na medida em que contam histórias que emociona(ra)m os ouvintes ao longo das décadas. A rádio fez-se dessas paixões de seguir as disputas entre Emilinha Borba e Marlene como a rainha da rádio (em Portugal, muito mais tarde, tivemos a querela Simone de Oliveira e Madalena Iglésias) e da formação de uma certa identidade nacional proporcionada pela equipa do Brasil e pelas torcidas (claques) que se formaram. O Brasil reunia-se e separava-se perante as figuras populares dos cantores da rádio e dos futebolistas, num tempo em que a televisão não tinha ainda estabelecido a hegemonia mediática nestas áreas.

  rádio 6rádio 5                    
Leituras: Luciano Klöckner (2008). O repórter Esso. Porto Alegre: Age e EDIPUCRS, 315 p.
Luiz Carlos Saroldi e Sonia Virgínia Moreira (2005). Rádio Nacional. O Brasil em sintonia. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 225 p.
Vauci Zucoloto (2012). No ar. A história da notícia de rádio no Brasil. Florianópolis: Insular, 183 p. Vauci Zucoloto (2012). A programação de rádios públicas brasileiras. Florianópolis: Insular, 263 p. Maria Luisa Rinaldi Huper (2009). As rainhas do rádio. Símbolos da nascente indústria cultural brasileira. São Paulo: Senac, 228 p.
Patrícia Rangel e Márcio Guerra (org.) (2012). O rádio e as copas do mundo. Juiz de Fora: Juizforana, 270 p.
publicado por industrias-culturais às 11:02
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História da rádio no Brasil

Nos anos mais recentes, tem havido uma forte investigação no Brasil sobre a sua história da rádio. Pela montra que aqui coloco, há quatro áreas essenciais: estações de rádio e serviço público, jornalismo, desporto e cantores da rádio (no caso, as rainhas).

O repórter Esso marca a história da rádio brasileira. Marca de combustíveis, a Esso patrocinou no Brasil e noutros países da América Latina a produção dos noticiários curtos de três a cinco minutos e esteve no ar naquele país da nossa língua entre 28 de Agosto de 1941 e 31 de Dezembro de 1968. Assim, formou gerações no conhecimento do mundo através dos media. O trabalho de Luciano Klöckner, docente da Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul, revela essa tessitura de informações de síntese e de locução vibrante conhecida pelo nome da Esso com as notícias da United Press Association. Já o estudo de Luiz Carlos Saroldi e Sonia Virgínia Moreira sobre a Rádio Nacional, cuja primeira edição remonta a 1984, transporta-nos para o Rio de Janeiro e para a liderança nacional dessa estação nascida em 1936, um lar de grandes nomes da época de ouro da rádio, como Emilinha e Marlene, as eternas rainhas da rádio, como outro livro aqui analisa. A cultura brasileira foi moldada, de certo modo, pela Rádio Nacional, instalada na Praça Mauá, 7, no centro histórico do Rio de Janeiro.

rádio 1rádio 4rádio 2rádio 3                  
Os dois livros de Vauci Zucoloto tem virtudes especiais. Se em No Ar, a autora descreve e analisa a história da construção da notícia da rádio brasileira, recuperando o repórter Esso, ela também releva os textos, os formatos, as linguagens e as técnicas empregadas, no livro sobre a programação das rádios públicas no Brasil identifica as influências, as directrizes e as concepções das programações e alerta para a urgência de novas políticas para a radiodifusão.

Quanto aos livros de Maria Luisa Rinaldi Huper (rainhas da rádio) e o organizado por Patrícia Rangel e Márcio Guerra (a rádio e os campeonatos do mundo) são os mais gostosos de ler na medida em que contam histórias que emociona(ra)m os ouvintes ao longo das décadas. A rádio fez-se dessas paixões de seguir as disputas entre Emilinha Borba e Marlene como a rainha da rádio (em Portugal, muito mais tarde, tivemos a querela Simone de Oliveira e Madalena Iglésias) e da formação de uma certa identidade nacional proporcionada pela equipa do Brasil e pelas torcidas (claques) que se formaram. O Brasil reunia-se e separava-se perante as figuras populares dos cantores da rádio e dos futebolistas, num tempo em que a televisão não tinha ainda estabelecido a hegemonia mediática nestas áreas.

  rádio 6rádio 5                    
Leituras: Luciano Klöckner (2008). O repórter Esso. Porto Alegre: Age e EDIPUCRS, 315 p.
Luiz Carlos Saroldi e Sonia Virgínia Moreira (2005). Rádio Nacional. O Brasil em sintonia. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 225 p.
Vauci Zucoloto (2012). No ar. A história da notícia de rádio no Brasil. Florianópolis: Insular, 183 p. Vauci Zucoloto (2012). A programação de rádios públicas brasileiras. Florianópolis: Insular, 263 p. Maria Luisa Rinaldi Huper (2009). As rainhas do rádio. Símbolos da nascente indústria cultural brasileira. São Paulo: Senac, 228 p.
Patrícia Rangel e Márcio Guerra (org.) (2012). O rádio e as copas do mundo. Juiz de Fora: Juizforana, 270 p.
publicado por industrias-culturais às 11:02
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